Thanks for stopping by. We’re just getting started here.
First, I just want to tell you a little bit about what this blog is going to be about. I’ll probably update you once in a while on what’s going on with The Godzilla Attacks Tokyo Kamikaze Blues Band. But, probably not a lot. Maybe just when I have a new album or a new video. Primarily, I want this blog to be about Independent Music Artists. People just like me, who love music and love to write and create their own music and put it out for the world to enjoy. Music should be fun and it really should come from the heart. Making music for me is a creative release that fills a certain need. I don’t really know how to explain it. I’ve just always loved to make up songs, draw, paint, doodle, etc. I feel like I have to be making or creating something all the time. I’m sure many of the people out there making music feel the same way. However, another part of creating is sharing. We want people to experience our creations. To hopefully like and enjoy our creations as much as we enjoyed making them. Doesn’t always work out that way, but you get my point.
That’s why this blog is going to be primarily me interviewing some of these great, unsigned creators of music. Sharing their creations and doing my best to get their work heard. I’m going to start with a few people I admire and then I’ll be looking for suggestions.
That’s it. That’s what this is all about and I hope we can connect with some artists that you will all enjoy.
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